How To Find The "Pain Points" Of Your Ideal Audience (+ FREE WORKSHOP!)

finding the 'pain points' of your ideal nutrition client.png

Hi loves! Today’s episode is a follow-up from episode 20 all about how to find your niche as an online nutritionist, FNTP, or health coach. We’ll be deep diving into exactly how to find out what your “ideal client” aka your “unicorn"‘s ‘pain points’ are as it relates to your business. The key? Stop trying to be so creative, and start LISTENING to what they have to say. Ooooh it’s a juice one you guys.

OR you can read through the transcript below ;)


In this episode we’re talking about:

>>My current obsession (+ why it’s changing my relationship with instagram)

>>How to ‘hunt’ for your client’s pain points to meet them where they’re at

>>Why clarity trumps creativity every time when it comes to your niche statement

Join my FREE workshop for New + Aspiring Nutrition Biz Owners:

Full Transcript:

[00:00:11] Hello, friends. And welcome back to The Wealthy Worthy and Wild podcast. I'm Amie Tollefsrud, functional nutritional therapy practitioner, digital nomad, online course creator and founder of Rebelle Nutrition, a brand and business aimed at helping rebellious wellness entrepreneurs create multiple six figure online businesses. I just have to say I was in the middle of a barre workout just now and I'm like, I have to stop because I am so inspired to record this podcast right now. It's probably gonna be a pretty short one, but there's just a few things I need to talk about in response to my most recent podcast about, well, when this comes out, it might not be the most recent one, but episode 20 where I talked about finding your niche and I got a lot of you guys coming to my Instagram and leaving your niche statement on my photo. And so I gave a lot of personalized feedback on there and what I see coming up a lot in those niche statements. They're really good. But there's one other thing that I wanted to talk about and that is discovering what your ideal client or, you know, your “unicorn’s” pain points are, because I think a lot of us are trying to be overly creative when it comes to figuring out what those pain points are. Going to get into that in today's episode and tell you exactly how to figure out what the pain points of your ideal client are, because if you don't know what those are, it's going to be really hard to connect with them and really sell your services. So before I get into all that, I need to tell you guys what I'm obsessed with right now. And this is kind of a nerdy obsession, but it's totally business related. Check your freakin analytics. And I am saying this as somebody who is like not I'm not really like a systems person. I definitely am more like the creative that, you know, really likes the execution and the putting myself out there and making the content. But on the back end of things like my systems and the analytics side of things like I just don't really care about that. And so that's something I need to work on personally is checking that more often and having somebody help me check that more often. But anyways, when I did that just a few days ago, I realized something really interesting. And by the way, if you don't know what analytics are, basically just you do have to set up Google Analytics with your Web site. But once you do that, and if you have square space, it's really easy to do this. You can go into your analytics and it will show you what your most common traffic sources are. So like if most of your organic traffic is coming from search engines or if it's coming from Pinterest or if it's coming from Facebook or Instagram or something completely different. But what I realized when I looked at my analytics was that majority of my organic traffic. So people that are finding me just organically online is coming from my blog, which is insane, you guys, because at this point, I don't really blog ever anymore. I don't really even make that a part of my weekly schedule. You guys know, like Instagram is sort of my main social platform at this point. I always create content every single day on Instagram and Instagram. You guys was my lowest traffic source and I'm totally not saying like just, you know, quit Instagram altogether. I'm not going to do that. I love Instagram. And it's definitely a place where I've built community and I engage with you guys in the DMV like every single day. But you guys already know me. If you're on Instagram, like we're we're already having a conversation. And I built this community and everybody on there already knows me. But in terms of getting new people into my audience, blogging for me is where it's at. So I'm not saying that that is what is going to work for you. But I do think it's really important to very frequently, maybe once a month or so, be checking your analytics and making sure that like you're getting a return on your investment for the time spent. And it's made me just kind of do a double take. And like think to myself, OK, I definitely don't need to be spending so much time creating Instagram content when I'm literally doing nothing to keep new content coming to my blog. And that's where most of my new traffic is coming from. So it's just a good kind of reminder for me, for you, for everybody out there to see what is working for you that requires the least amount of your time and effort. So hopefully that helps. Definitely screenshot this episode and share it. Tag me @rebellenutrition if you have anybody in your audience that's trying to build a business or share it with a friend. You guys, it means so much when you do leave a review and that type of thing. But really, what helps this podcast grow and helps me reach more people is when you share it with somebody who you think would really benefit from it. So thank you so much for listening.

And now I'm super excited to get into figuring out what your ideal client or “unicorn”, as I like to call it, what their pain points are. So the first thing that I want you to remember about this is when you are thinking about your ideal client in your mind and you're thinking about your course that you're going to launch to them and how it's going to be so amazing and solve all these problems for them. And now you have to think about, you know, how are you going to position this product as the solution to their problems? How are you going to write the sales page? How are you going to write the emails? And the ways to do that successfully is to touch on the pain. Points and the pain points, meaning the things that your ideal client is really struggling with, is keeping them up at night, that they are Googling the answer to the thing that they would actually spend money on finding a solution to. And this is the thing. You guys sound bite right here. So get ready for it. OK, you do not make up your ideal clients pain points. They are going to tell them to you. So I totally appreciate this. You guys are so creative and I see a lot of you guys being really creative and saying things like you help people “improve their healthy” or “get back to themselves” or any sort of creative verbiage like that. That's all great. And it's beautiful. But is your ideal client actually saying that? Is that a conversation that they're having with their friends? Are they like, “you know, I really want to improve my healthy?” Probably not. I think that it's really cute, but they're probably not Googling that. You know, that's not really specific. That's not really an answer. What they probably mean or what you think they probably mean by saying that is they want to lose the last five pounds or they want to be able to run a 5K or something like that. I mean, it could be whatever. But this is really key. You guys is not deciding what those pain points are for you, unicorn, to actually listen to what they are saying and use their exact verbiage. So it's really like you don't actually have to even be that creative, like just be an investigator, go into some Facebook groups, slide into your own hands and see what people are saying to you, what questions they're asking you. Or like the emails that you're getting a lot of times, even if you don't have a huge audience, you're gonna have people telling you a little bit about their personal story because they want help. And so really pay attention to these save their responses and what they're saying and you can use them again when you are positioning your offer to them.

Another example of something that I see is a niche that looks a little bit like, you know, “I help women heal their acne and lose weight through balancing blood sugar, healing their gut and detoxing heavy metals”. Again, amazing. I love it. But that is like five niches in one. So let's kind of bring that down a little bit. The thing is, you want to really meet your audience and your ideal client where they are at what you just said in that niche statement of I help women heal their acne and lose weight through balancing blood sugar, healing their gut and detoxing heavy metals. That's really explaining your method that you're going to take them through. That's explaining you as a practitioner like what your process is going to be once they book a session with you. Right. But that most likely is not what your ideal client thinks that they need. They are not probably unless they are already a nutrition, is they're not going to be, you know, staying up at night wondering why their blood sugar isn't balanced. You know, I mean, they are not going to be Googling that. Maybe that is the solution to their problem. But they don't really need to know that until you guys start working together. That's not really something sexy or marketable that you want to put on your sales page necessarily. Unless your ideal client is somebody who is already a nutritionist or already a health coach and already understands that that's what their problem is. You can also think about what is something that like their GP or their general practitioner has told them. That is their problem and they have or that they need to do. And what are they like? Go into Google for the answers for. So an example of this and this is actually something that I went through a couple of years ago, was that I had a parasite or maybe multiple parasites. And the doctor did testing and told me like, OK, you have a parasite. And it was a specific one. And so then I was like, well, shit, like, what do I do? I'm an end to people. I don't really know anything about parasite. So I was like Googling and trying to figure out and eventually through working with somebody who was much more knowledgeable than myself, I found out that, yes, I had a parasite, but I also had a couple other digestive issues that needed to be worked on. And the reason why I tell you that is if let's say your expertise is helping people, you know, eradicate their parasites. But the way that you do that is through all of these different gut healing methods, your knee is not going to be necessarily to explain all of those different gut healing methods to your ideal client, because like if it were me, if we're talking about me again, I had no clue that I needed those things. So if the practitioner that I ended up seeing would have been promoting like H. Pylori and leaky gut and acid reflux healing and parasites and all of these other things, I would've been like, well, I don't have all those. Like, I just I just need to get rid of this parasite. So again, it's meeting your client where they are at and using the verbiage of what they think they need. And that is really kind of what meets them where they are. I know I've said that like five hundred times, but that's really where you can kind of bridge the gap between practitioner and client and use the language that they are using and not, you know, practitioner health care, nutritionists, language. And again, it's not about like cat fishing them into thinking that they need something that they don't. Once they are born. Into working with you, then you explain like, OK, we your problem or your symptom is just the tip of the iceberg. These are all of the other ways that we're going to help tackle it. And this is what's gonna be involved in our protocol. And that's when you can explain to them the more scientific side of things. But I really think it can hurt you more than help you to try and just word vomit, all of that, like into your new statement or onto your sales page and that type of thing. 

[00:10:33] Taking a quick little break from the episode to ask you a very important question. 

Do you want me to be your personal online nutrition business mentor? Well, unfortunately, at the moment, I'm not accepting one on one clients, but I haven't getting this question a lot lately. So I figured I would create a completely free workshop for you that walks you through the top four things I would teach you. If we were working together. So in this free workshop, you're going to learn my proven three step method for finally deciding on a profitable niche. You're going to learn how to optimize your Instagram bio. And the number one mistake that most businesses are making when it comes to using Instagram for their business. You're going to learn the key to building a scalable business. As a nutritionist online, without exhausting yourself with one on one clients having to be an epic recipe creator and food photographer or promoting a product that you aren't passionate about. And there's also going to be a little bonus section about what you can start doing today to build your business online, even if you don't have any credentials or experience yet, or you just feel like, you know, you're not ready yet because I promise you you are. This free workshop is gonna be perfect for you if you are a brand new FNTP, nutritionist or health coach and you're like, how the F do I turn my passions into a business that doesn't require me to rely on one on one clients or work out of a stuffy doctor's office? I got you. Don't worry. You can totally create the business of your dreams with a few simple strategies that I will be sharing in this free workshop. Again, head over to THIS LINK :)

[00:12:31] Clarity being clear about what you do is much more important than creativity. I know it's fun when you're thinking of your new statement to incorporate something like, you know, I help empower women to live their best unicorn lives. And don't get me wrong, I love anything with a unicorn reference, but like, nobody really knows what that means. So it's going to be much more effective if you go for clarity so that people know immediately, like, yes, that's for me or no, that's not for me. Another example here, and I'm going to use kind of more of like a online business niche. Example, let's say, because I know there are a lot of new business owners out there. And this is somebody who I would probably consider to be my ideal client. And they are just hustling themselves into the ground. You know, they're working multiple jobs and they have a few one on one clients and they're just exhausted. And they think that the answer to their problems of exhaustion is just, you know, as soon as I get more one on one clients, then I'll be able to quit my other jobs and I'll be able to go full time. And that's what they think they need. They think that the solution to their problem is just being fully booked out with one on one client so they can pursue their passion. And so that's where I will meet them at. I'm going to position my offer as, look, this is going to help you go full time in your business without hustling yourself into the ground because, you know, you don't want to be exhausted. And once they're like, yes, I'm bought in. I need that. Please help me. I'm like, the education.

The way that you're going to do this is through an online course or some sort of digital product that you can put energy into one time and resell over and over again for years to come. So that's not to say that you can't do one on one clients anymore. You still can, but you won't be relying on that and you won't be trading time for dollars and exhausting yourself eight hours a day for the next 40 years. Because that would be really tiring, right. So let's get some sort of passive income generator going so that you can have a lot more free time and start scaling without only trading time for dollars. So quick recap again is that you don't need to make up your unicorns pain points. If you listen or if you go out there and you go hunting for them, they will tell them to you. Just listen, do some undercover work. If you don't have a big audience right now who's telling you their pain points? But likely, if anybody knows that you're a nutritionist or a health coach or whatever it is that you are, you've had at least some people and probably in person who are coming to you and telling you something that they're struggling with. So just try and think about that. Remember that clarity trumps creativity. You don't have to be super creative and cute with your new statement. You just need to be clear.

So again, I hope that was really helpful for you guys. Come over to my most recent Instagram and tell me if that helped you gain clarity on your knees. I would love to hear. And again, I will always respond to every comment that I get on my most recent posts. Even if you're listening to this in the future, just come to the most recent post on my Instagram and I will give you some personalized feedback. And again, you guys, if you have a friend who's building a business online who you think would benefit from this episode, please screenshot it, share it on Instagram, tag me at robo nutrition or just send them a link and a text message or whatever that truly, really helps the show grow and helps get this message out for more people. So I appreciate you so much. Thank you for listening. And I will be back again soon. Bye. 


In this episode we’re talking about:

>>My current obsession (+ why it’s changing my relationship with instagram)

>>How to ‘hunt’ for your client’s pain points to meet them where they’re at

>>Why clarity trumps creativity every time when it comes to your niche statement

Join my FREE workshop for New + Aspiring Nutrition Biz Owners:

