All About Instagram Reels: how + WHY To Use Them to grow your online business
“Ugh! Yet another thing I need to be doing on social media”
If this was your response to learning about the new Instagram feature, Reels, let me assure you that you are TOTALLY not alone.
Most of my Instagram audience felt the exact same way :)
But! I’m here to assure you that Instagram Reels can actually be a super quick, effective, and most importantly FUN (!!) way to grow your online presence and attract more of the right people to your business.
As you may have noticed, people’s attention spans are verrrry limited these days - so Instagram Reels give you an awesome opportunity to catch the attention of your audience in a quick and fun way.
so, What are Instagram Reels?
IG Reels are a new way to record short (15-30 second) video clips on Instagram (And yes, it’s almost identical to TikTok - but with a few less features).
Think of Instagram Reels as a bite sized, engaging way to share traditionally longer form content. For example: ‘5 ways to dress for your body type!’ no longer needs to be a 15 minute YouTube video. (“Who has time for that?!?” - sarcasm) Now, you can turn your 5 tips into a 15-30 second Reel that is guaranteed to keep your audiences attention until the end (Text! Music! Dancing! Ahh!), while still learning everything you planned to teach. Win/Win.
How is a reel different than a regular video, Instagram story, or IGTV?
Unlike Instagram stories, Reels can be saved to your IG ‘feed’ so that your audience can view them after the 24 hour mark has passed!
Also (at least in my opinion…) Reels seem to be more short and to the point than IG stories - they are a quick + digestible way to teach or inspire your audience (before losing their attention).
Why? Because they are SO.MUCH.MORE engaging - don’t believe me? Head over to your Instagram explore page and prepare to be sucked in.
Why you should start using Instagram Reels:
The true purpose of Instagram Reels (at least for those of us who are using Instagram to grow our businesses) is to convey valuable information to your audience in a short, concise, and creative way (that also shows your personality!)
These days, people want to know YOU and your personality before they buy - especially if you are building a personal brand or selling coaching, consulting, online courses, or anything where YOU are the expert!
The good news:
Reels are meant to be SHORT! No need to plan 30 minutes of polished, structured talking points (that your audience will probably get distracted away from anyways…)
Reels are an opportunity to have FUN!!! When else in history have we as business owners been able to dance to our favorite songs and show our personality, WHILE building trust and educating our audiences?! Um….never.
Your audience actually wants to get to know YOU as a person (beyond just the value that you share) - and doing so can actually skyrocket your relationships (and sales!). Reels is the PERFECT platform for this.
The challenging news:
Your 15-30 second Reel needs to be jam-packed with a variety of clips (hint: change up your location!), disappearing text, interesting content, AND a hint of your personality in order to land with your audience.
I know...It sounds like a lot. And there is definitely a learning curve when first playing around on the app. Unless you were already using TikTok, it’s probably going to take a few hours or so of practice before feeling like you actually understand how to use/edit your Reels (Just being honest with you guys - it takes time to learn, but don’t get discouraged! Once you get it down, it’s actually a lot of fun!)
Keep reading for my top tips on creating Instagram Reels content (quickly + effectively!)
Why should I start making reels?
Instagram LOVES to reward accounts who take advantage of their newest features. And I have found this to be true for every single person I follow who has used the Reels feature (myself included).
See below a recent example from my own Instagram account:
My previous static image (IG feed) post had around 366 likes, whereas my latest Instagram Reel had almost 13k views.
Recent (Static Image) Feed Post = 366 likes
Recent Reel = 12.9k views
When you start using Reels, you’ll also have the opportunity to show up on the ‘explore’ page of users that Instagram thinks will be interested in your content (one way that the algorithm is working FOR you, not against you!)
Instagram Reels on my explore page (from accounts I don’t yet follow!)
Reels are a fun opportunity to re-engage your current audience, build genuine relationships with your community, show your expertise + personality, AND easily get in front of tons of new potential clients and customers (for free!)
The (undeniable) bottom line when it comes to Instagram Reels is this:
A static image just simply isn’t as engaging as a fun 15 second video, with music, text, and movement.
Don’t count yourself out on using Reels because you think you’re too old, not funny enough, not creative enough, not a good dancer, etc. (ALL of these thoughts went through my mind too, lol)
With a little practice (and following my tips + tricks below!) you’ll be an IG Reels pro in no time.
Tips for making Reels (when you’re just starting out and have no clue what you’re doing):
Go to your Reels explore page and start watching!
Pay attention to what kinds of Reels catch your attention, what you find entertaining, inspiring, etc. (Be sure to follow accounts with audiences similar to the one you are trying to grow!)
Make a list of trends, themes and ideas that you like - as well as songs to use!
And - know your unique strengths. If the thought of dancing in your living room is terrifying to you, think of ways you could share educational content to your audience instead!
Set a 15 minute time limit for yourself - it’s REALLY easy to get sucked in (which is exactly why YOU need to start creating for your audience, now!)
Now that you have a few ideas of how other people are using Reels and what is trending…
What is the #1 question your audience has?
What are the myths in your industry? What do you see your audience (or clients) doing wrong?
What’s YOUR story? How can you quickly highlight your journey from where you were (back then) to where you are now? (Include old photos/video of possible!)
How can you share educational tips and tricks to answer their biggest questions? (Keep it to 3-5 tips!) Ie:
5 symptoms you might have a low thyroid
4 Fall outfits for less than $50
Top 3 hormone regulating foods
My go-to video editing apps
How I went from minimalist to millionaire (UMMM should I make this one?!?)
Get creative, think outside the box, play up YOUR strengths, and have fun!
Last but not least (and I say this with love!!!!) stop reading about Instagram Reels, and start DO-ing! The best way to learn is through trial and error. You got this!
ONE LAST THING! If you end up creating a Reel based on these tips + tricks, tag me on Instagram @rebellenutrition so I can give you a shout!
It means so much to me when the info I share is helpful to you :)
P.S. Want to learn more about starting your own online business?
If you’re at the beginning stages, start here:
If you’re ready to scale to 6 figures online, go here: