Manifesting a Million-Dollar Business and Working in the Feminine Energy to Scale Your Biz

Talking with Reese Evans of the Yes Supply Method

If you don’t know Reese Evans - she is a master manifestor and creator of the Yes Supply Method and she helps people learn how to manifest the life of their dreams through her 5 step Manifestation process and through the reprogramming of neural pathways and subconscious mind -  to rewire you for ultimate success and happiness!

Reese gave me a little intro to her 5 top processes and how to use them, so -  let’s talk about manifestation and universal laws shall we?

First, let’s talk about Reese’s life prior to starting Yes Supply (now a multiple seven figure business). Reese was working retail jobs she didn’t love and wishing she could create life where she worked when she wanted and how she wanted.

Just a few years later she is teaching others how to do the same.

{Listen to my full conversation with Reese on my podcast Wealthy, Worthy and WILD - here


In our conversation on the podcast talking all things manifestation and building a profitable business, Reese dropped some amazing truth bombs in our conversation, but the biggest - “What would you ask for if you knew the answer was ‘yes’?”  

What would YOU ask for?  

Think about it.  Write it down.  Think about specifics.  Know that every single, specific desire of yours is leading you towards the life you were destined for. Each thing that you want and desire is, as Reese puts it - your ‘internal compass’ towards your true destiny.

Have you been silencing your compass lately (or a lot more than lately)? We all do at times.  But, it is so important to know and to reaffirm to ourselves, that hey - these crazy big goals and dreams we have, we have them for a reason.  The reason being - we are meant to achieve them.  Here’s how Reese says you can manifest those big desires through her 5 Part Manifestation Process. Let’s dive in! *This will require some reflection and deep diving - so I recommend pen and paper or your Notes App!*

Reese’s 5 Part Manifestation Process 

Step 1 - Of the YESSUPPLY Manifestation Process 

Get clear on what you want and tie your purpose into this.

Put pen to paper and get really clear and specific about what you want. What does your dream look like?  Where are you when you achieve this goal?  Who are you with? Begin to tie your purpose to these goals.  How can this goal be tied to the greater purpose of your existence?  How will this goal help you leave an imprint on the world and create a lasting difference of the world around you?

Bruce Lee always called your life purpose your “Definite Chief Aim.”  You want to tie in your goals to your ‘definite chief aim’ in life. 

It’s important to know exactly what you want. The next step is to develop a white hot heat of desire for it. Become obsessive about what it is you desire and plan to achieve. Think about it night and day. Work towards it little by little. Each. And. Every. Day. In any way that you can (we can’t all give 100% all of the time - understandably). 

Once you’ve decided upon your Definite Chief Aim or lasting imprint you plan to leave on the world - all of your decisions and actions you plan to take to achieve your goals should be in alignment with this purpose.

Napoleon Hill once said - I don’t know why it is that when a man decides what he wants, the whole universe seems to come to his aid to see that he gets it.”

Know what you want and take time each day to work towards that vision.  Pencil it in your schedule, delegate time to researching the ‘how’ (aka ‘Google’ University as I call it!) Just give yourself time each day, to work towards that “definite chief aim” of your life. 

Step 2 - Of the YESSUPPLY  Manifestation Process 

Clearly identify the version of you that has achieved said “end goal” or “goals.” What this means is taking time to envision the “you” that has already achieved this goal.  What do you feel/look/act/behave like?  How do you think?  How do you speak?  How do you hold yourself? How do respond to your environments, triggers?  How do you take action in the world?

Write it all down.

No “faking it till you make it”….

Be who you really are and allow yourself to release expectations of being anything other than your truest self.  

For example: Say this version of yourself that has already manifested what you want is more confident or more easeful.  Allow yourself to become more confident and easeful over time - don’t force it or fake it! Take time to breathe in these ways of being that you desire to incorporate. Truth is, the version of yourself that you desire, already exists within you.  So give yourself time (through meditation, journaling, breathwork and self study) to uncover this self that is underneath your subconscious programming.

If you are completely new to subconscious work - try this guided affirmation practice with me - or this tapping video with me. You can also try other guided meditations through a free app - InsightTimer!

In this step of Reese Evan’s 5 Step Manifestation process - you want to quiet the subconscious programming and get back into touch with your truest self underneath your subconscious programming - which takes a little work and getting back in touch with yourself.

Step 3 - Of the YESSUPPLY  Manifestation Process 

Get clear on what the inspired actions are towards your goals. You now know what you want and the version of you that will achieve them. Now you begin to align yourself with what actions you can take to these desired end goal/goals.

If you took a class or course allow yourself time to process what you learned, give yourself time to apply any of the newly learned skills and then begin to start taking action towards your goals. This is the embodiment process of your manifestation. 

Feel how it feels to begin to take inspired action (action towards your goal) daily. 

Feed off that energy. Let the energy feed you, fuel you and propel you to continue the cycle of inspired action towards your goal/s.

Step 4 - Of the YESSUPPLY  Manifestation Process 

Releasing what no longer is serving you. 

Take note of what is triggering to you. Maybe who - is triggering to you. 

Notice if there are any emotions continuing to siphon your energy.  And you don’t want to silence these energies, simply thank them and begin to step away from those energies. 

So the biggest way to initiate this step of the manifestation process - is to watch where you place your energy.  Notice if you are giving certain thoughts, people, feelings to much of your energy.  Your energy is PRECIOUS.  Give your goals your full energy.  So, this step allows you to begin to catch these thoughts, feelings, people that trigger you and siphon your energy and allows you to take note of these and to redirect your energy back towards manifestation of your goals.

This is rewiring your thought patterns!

Step 5 - Of the YESSUPPLY  Manifestation Process 

This next step is a good one!!

Expectation of achieving your goals.

You’ve gotten clear on what you want, the inspired actions you need to take, the version of you that has already manifested these goals - AND what stands in your way (most of the time it’s just your thoughts)! Now - you’ll begin to take action WITH the expectation that people will buy OR that you WILL achieve what you set out to do.

Your belief in your success is crucial. 

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” - Henry Ford

The way to change is not simply by saying/affirming - though if you do it enough it certainly helps reprogram those limiting beliefs and thought patterns.  But, the best way to rewire your neural pathways and subconscious programming is actually through doing subconscious work. 

Your conscious mind is only .004% of daily actions, behavior and habits.  There is so much more you need to do to rewire and restructure your mind for successfully manifesting your desired goals.

If you want to make a change through affirmations, you need a lot of repetition. You can loop affirmations all day long and this will certainly help, but it is best paired with NLP or “Neuro Linguistic Programming” and hypnosis. Through hypnosis you literally rewrite your mental patterning.   

Once you have worked through these five steps you are opening the portal for receiving your goals.  Expect and you shall receive!

How Universal Laws Work For You

Let’s talk about a few Universal Laws and How They Help You Manifest 

Law of Attraction (LOA)

LOA is probably the most well known of the universal laws -  what it says is that the energy you put out, is what you attract.

You create your reality every moment. 

What you focus on and give your energy you will quite literally manifest more of in your life. 

Like attracts like  - is one way of explaining this.

Question: How can I use LOA for manifestation?

  • Begin to consciously create a better vision for what you want out of your days and what you want out of your life.

  • Choose to respond differently to external stimuli that triggers you.

  • Choose to think differently.

  • Think about what you want more of in your life….

  • Best steps to take for using LOA: ask, believe, receive.

Law of Vibration (LOV)

We all live in an internal state of movement.  Everything around us is vibration. There is a vibration of every person, place or thing in the physical world.

Everything can be quantified with a frequency or energetic pattern. From atoms, rainbows, light and happy thoughts – even dense matter like trees, diamonds and metal… everything has its own unique vibration.

To put it simply - what you think + your feelings + your actions + your intentions = your vibration. 

Question: How can I use LOV for manifestation?

  • Seeking out ways to optimize your energy through clearing out thoughts/feelings/actions/intentions you may be holding onto that no longer serve you.  Once you do this - you open the doors for the LOV to work its magic!

  • Align with your desires.  Know that you want them for a reason.  Know that you CAN have them. Give yourself space to release the resistance and thoughts that don’t vibrate at the vibration of your success. Once you align yourself with the vibration of the version of ‘you’ that has achieved or will achieve all of your manifestations - you WILL achieve all of your goals.  You have to create space, so the Universe can deliver your goodies!

Lastly - while you journey towards the manifestation of your goals - may that be a 7 figure online nutrition business, scaling your business or whatever your desired manifestations are… you should always allow yourself to fully feel your feelings.

Because - when we allow ourselves to be present and to feel our feelings - we heal. When we heal, we can close certain chapters of our lives, businesses, etc - that no longer serve us so we can make room for our big goals and dreams that we are meant to achieve. Because anything you want or desire - you ARE meant to have.

Welcome back to the Wealthy, Worthy and WILD podcast! This episode is with Reese Evans of Yes Supply - an incredible Master Manifestation + Abundance Coach, Creator of the YES SUPPLY™ method. Reese is on a mission to teach the world the power of their subconscious mind, and universal laws to create the life you're meant to live.

>> To listen to my full podcast episode with Reese Evans of the Yes Supply Method on manifestation, scaling your business to 7 figures and more , listen here.

P.S. - Are you wanting to create your own online course?  Click below to sign up for my free masterclass!